Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Health Benefits of Pomegranate


Pomegranate is a small tree up to 5 meter in height. The bark of the pomegranate tree is light brown with red buds and young shoots. The leaves are small, opposite, glossy and almost evergreen. The large and attractive pomegranate flowers are orange-red. The characteristic large pomegranate fruits are crowned with a calyx and contain numerous seeds in juice containing sacs.


Eases Digestive ProblemsPomegranate rind, bark, and leaves were used to calm an upset stomach, diarrhea and other digestive problems. Drinking a tea made from the leaves and bark of this plant can make your digestive symptoms disappear. In fact, some say that pomegranate can be used for dysentery and cholera as well. However, if you have chronic diarrhea or other serious digestive problems, you should seek medical attention before drinking or taking any alternative cures.
Prevents Strokes And Other Heart Ailments
A stroke is believed to be caused by the thickening of the arteries, which can be due to cholesterol buildup. Research shows that drinking pomegranate juice and eating the fruit is helpful in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol in your body. Furthermore, it is also a blood thinner, so blood clots are prevented from forming.
Reduces Risk Of Certain CancersPeople with a high risk of developing prostate and breast cancer should start drinking the juice of this fruit. Although further studies in humans are being done to establish the importance of this fruit in reducing cancer risks, there have been a number of researches done in mice that already show positive results; one of which showed that growths of tumors in lab mice slowed down dramatically when given a regular dose of pomegranate extract.
Helps Prevent Osteoarthritis And Other Bone-related DiseasesAccording to a study conducted by the Case Western Reserve University, pomegranate showed great potential in treating arthritis. People with this ailment know that pain associated with the disease is mainly caused by the poor cartilage health. Well, pomegranate extracts contain antioxidants that not only eases inflammation of the joints, but more importantly, it also prevents the degradation of cartilage. Also, pomegranate helps in preventing the creation of enzymes that are responsible for breaking down connective tissues.
Other benefits of pomegranate juice include the decrease of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL). Pomegranate juice is beneficial in regulating platelet motion. Normal vascular contraction can be maintained with Pomegranate juice. The motion of antiotension converting enzyme (ACE) is reduced as another benefit of pomegranate juice. Pomegranate juice is also beneficial to maintaining normal cell function, promoting proper replication. Pomegranate juice can also promote dental health as well. Pomegranate juice prevents the build up of the plaque on the teeth.

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Best Herbal Remedies for a Toothache

Best Herbal Remedies for a Toothache

If you’ve been plagued with a sore tooth or swollen gums, you know that the pain it can cause is often completely unbearable. Toothache or not, life goes on, making pain relief a necessity. While over-the-counter painkillers are the most popular form of pain relief for many, there are a variety of herbal remedies for toothaches which are often equally as effective at treating pain as medication.

It’s important to note that you must understand the cause of your toothache first in order to effectively treat the pain. Once you’re certain that your toothache isn’t the result of a more serious condition, try these herbal remedies to reduce inflammation and swelling and have you feeling better in no time.

Ginger Root
Along with a host of other healing benefits, including treating ringworm, headaches and upset stomachs, ginger root can also ease a painful toothache. Due to the antibacterial properties in this root, gum pain and toothaches caused by swelling, infection or even a nasty cut can be eased with ginger root. For the most effective pain relief, cut and peel a fresh slice of ginger root. Then, bite on the ginger root with the tooth in question, allowing the juice of the root to reach the painful areas.


Whether used alone or in conjunction with other herbs, thyme can help to combat the pain caused by a toothache. 
This herb is known to have antifungal and antiseptic properties which help to keep gum disease and tooth decay at bay. When used in conjunction with peppermint, the duo works to reduce the swelling of gums, which is often the cause of oral pain.

This miracle herb, which is also known to fight cancer, soothe arthritis pain, and protect your liver can work wonders for a pesky toothache.

To create this remedy, simply mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with water to make a thick paste. Next, using a cotton ball, apply the paste to the affected tooth. The antiseptic properties of this herb will help to calm your ache, providing relief.
Due to the anesthetic properties found in its roots, yarrow makes for an excellent remedy for a toothache. For the best results, rub fresh leaves or roots of a yarrow plant to sore teeth and gyms. Other uses for this herb include healing sores and putting a stop to bleeding wounds.

Though you may not have heard of spilanthes before, if you suffer from tooth or gum pain, you should keep this herb in your healing arsenal. When put in contact with a painful tooth, the leaves of spilanthes produce a numbing effect, providing immediate relief.

Peppermint Leaf
Whether you choose to use peppermint oil or even a fresh peppermint leaf, this plant will work to ease the pain of a toothache. If you have peppermint oil on hand, dip a cotton ball into the oil and dab it onto the painful area. If using fresh peppermint leaves, simply chew one to two leaves until they become wet, and then apply the leaves to the painful area of the mouth. After a few minutes, remove the leaves and rinse your moth with a salt-water solution.

To keep the pain of swollen or bleeding gums or a tooth infection at bay, a chamomile mouth rinse could do the trick. Simply pour warm water into a cup with a chamomile tea bag, vanilla extract, and lemon juice. After brushing your teeth, swish the chamomile mouth rinse around your mouth and spit it out when finished. This rinse helps to soothe swelling and fight germs in the mouth due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Learn more about chamomile.

Believe it or not, the vast healing powers and health benefits of garlic even include healing the pain – and sometimes the cause – of oral pain. Due to the antibiotic and antiseptic properties that garlic contains, using it as a remedy for a toothache is highly successful. To use garlic on a painful tooth, bite a fresh slice of garlic or apply a mixture of crushed garlic cloves and sea salt to the afflicted tooth.

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Are you having trouble getting a good night’s rest? We all do at times. With all the stress around us, it can be hard to fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling rested. Stress and electromagnetic frequencies from cellphones, computers, and other electronics don’t help the case. Bright lights, and other things, can change our nervous system and sleep hormones, and lessen how much good sleep we get.

When you don’t get enough sleep, you lose out on what your body can do to work properly. Your cognitive thinking skills get worse, your motor skills slow down, your energy drops, and you’re at more risk for diseases and health conditions like obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

You’ll feel better, work better, and block disease by getting at least eight hours of sleep each night.

The easiest thing to do is grab a sleeping pill, but is that a good idea? It may work for a little while, but it’s really harming your body’s health and natural abilities. 

Sleeping pills can come along with dizziness, constipation, stomach pain, a hard time paying attention, memory problems, and harm to the central nervous system.

If you do not want the bad things that come with sleeping pills, what can you do? The answer is banana cinnamon tea.

Using the soothing value of banana, the banana peel, and cinnamon is a great way to push insomnia and other sleeping disorders aside.

Bananas are full of potassium and magnesium. Most people do not know that the banana peel has even more potassium and magnesium than the banana, and they just throw it away. Not anymore!

With this simple recipe, you can get the help from the potassium and magnesium in the banana peel. Potassium and magnesium are helpful to the nervous system and are great for soothing the muscles. In fact, magnesium is the most important mineral to ease muscles and can lessen muscle cramps and other aches and pains.

Cinnamon is great because it evens out blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels are even, your hormones can work in a way that lets you sleep better. If your blood sugar levels are off, then you may have energy at night, or be tired during the day.


Bananas have natural muscle relaxants, magnesium and potassium, that help promote sleep. The fruit is also a good source of vitamin B6, which the body needs to make the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. The high carbohydrate content in bananas will help make you sleepy as well.

  1. Mix one ripe banana with one cup of milk.
  2. Blend it thoroughly to make a tasty bedtime smoothie.
  3. Drink it at least one hour before your regular bedtime. CPA


Cherries contain a good amount of melatonin, the chemical that helps control the body’s internal clock. According to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Botany, eating a handful of cherries, especially tart cherries, a few hours before going to bed will help you sleep better.
If fresh cherries are not available, you can opt for cherry juice or even dried or frozen cherries. According to researchers from the universities of Pennsylvania and Rochester, people with chronic insomnia must drink a cup of cherry juice twice daily until their condition improves.

Jasmine rice

According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who ate jasmine rice for dinner fell asleep faster compared to other types of rice.
This is mainly because jasmine rice has a high glycemic index, meaning the body digests it at a slow speed, releasing glucose gradually into the bloodstream. It also boosts the production of tryptophan and serotonin in the blood, thus encouraging sleep. So, eat jasmine rice to significantly cut the time it takes you to fall asleep.

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Drinking a glass of warm milk before bedtime will also help you fall asleep. Milk contains the amino acid tryptophan, a precursor to the brain chemical serotonin. Tryptophan and serotonin help you drift off easily at night.
Plus, milk is a good source of calcium, which helps regulate melatonin production. Calcium is also effective in stress reduction and stabilizing nerve fibers, including those in the brain. Along with milk, you can eat other dairy products like yogurt and cheese.


Almonds are a good source of magnesium, which promotes both sleep and muscle relaxation. A study published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine found that when the body’s magnesium levels are too low, it is harder to stay asleep.
Plus, almonds supply enough protein to help stabilize your blood sugar level while sleeping. They also help your body switch from your alert adrenaline cycle to your rest-and-digest cycle. Eat just a handful of dry roasted almonds or a tablespoon of almond butter at least one hour before going to bed to fall asleep faster.

Hard-Boiled Eggs

If you have trouble staying asleep at night, it may be due to a lack of protein-based foods before bedtime. Eating hard-boiled eggs before bed will help you stay asleep through the night as they contain a high level of protein.

This snack also fights acid reflux, which often flares at night, making sleep difficult. Two slices of brown bread, some cheese, a hard-boiled egg, and a glass of warm milk is the perfect dinner menu for those who are having trouble sleeping soundly at night.


Lettuce contains lactucarium, which has sedative properties and works the same way as the opium poppy. Green leafy lettuce also is high in calcium that helps bring on sleep as well as potassium that is a fundamental nutrient for the nervous system.
Plus, lettuce helps treat anxiety, headaches, and muscle or joint pain that can cause restlessness throughout the night. To sleep well, you can drink a cup of lettuce tea before going to bed.
  1. Boil one or two lettuce leaves for five minutes in two cups of water.
  2. Let it cool, strain it and sweeten the mixture.
  3. Drink a cup of this tea at least half an hour before going to bed.

Herbal Tea

To sleep better, avoid caffeine and alcoholic beverages in the evening. But you can surely enjoy a cup of herbal tea to aid sound sleep. Decaffeinated green tea and chamomile tea are the best options for this.

Chamomile tea has chemicals that relax nerves and muscles and act like a mild sedative. Green tea contains theanine, which helps promote sleep. Choose green or chamomile tea, whichever you like the best, and drink a cup of it one or two hours before bedtime. You can read more about the benefits of green tea, here.
Eating these foods just a few hours before you hit the pillow will help you fall asleep faster and even improve the quality of your sleep.

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Best surprising Home Remedy For Hair Loss and Dandruff

Best surprising Home Remedy For Hair Loss and Dandruff

Today I will be sharing with you a hair pack that is highly effective to control the hair fall,  it promotes new hair growth and also prevent dandruff. There are no fancy ingredients required to make this hair pack, all the products used in this hair pack are easily available in our kitchen and it just requires 10 minutes to prepare the hair pack. It is super effective, doesn’t require any expensive products  and it’s super easy to make and the results are mind blowing.  Anyone who doesn’t have the time to massage their head with hair oil blend and leave it for 2-3 hours,  this hair pack will come as a savior for those guys. This can be used by males as well as by females. You can adjust the quantity as per your hair length and prepare this hair pack as per your need. Hair fall is a problem that everyone of us encounter at some point of time in  our lives  and it gets worse when all the products  which guarantee to stop hair fall  do not work at all for us and the hair fall continues in spite of spending so much money on those expensive hair care products.

Losing 50-100  strands  of hair is normal but if you’re losing more hair than that then it is an alarming situation for you. There can be several reasons of hair fall  such as stress,  pollution,  lack of nutrition,  hormonal disturbances,  change in weather conditions, unhealthy lifestyle , lack of sleep, whatever might be the cause of the hair fall some diy’s or home remedies can help us to get rid of hair fall completely.  As all the ingredients used in home care remedies are natural and 100% organic you need not worry about the side effects of any of the ingredients. All of them are super gentle on your hair and will yield great results. The DIY that I am going to share with you today will help you to  control hair fall within 2 to 3 applications and will also help you to get rid of dandruff completely. This hair mask works on all  hair types and will give you amazing results. I would advise everyone of you to stop spending loads and loads of money on expenses hair care items because rarely will you find a product that does what it really claims to do. I used to spend a lot of money on such  hair care products but ever since I have switched to a more organic and holistic hair care regime my hair is in much better condition then what it was when I used to use commercial products on my hair.  Ayurveda offers millions of natural hair care ingredients that help you to counteract any hair issue without putting in much effort.  Ayurveda is a 5000 year old science that  treats your problem with the help of natural products and I so happy that I actually shifted to a much more healthier hair care routine.


  • 5 Tbsp of Thick Yoghurt.
  • 1/2 Tbsp of  Vegetable Glycerine.
  • 1 Tbsp of Castor Oil.
  • 2 Tbsp of Fenugreek Seeds.
  • 1 leaf of fresh aloe vera plant.
  • 1 Egg.
  • 2 Tbsp of Fresh Onion Juice.
  • 10 leaves of mint.

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  • Soak the fenugreek seeds in 2 Tbsp of water at night. Do not add too much water because we have to grind the methi seeds in this water and adding too much water will make this pack very runny.
  • In the morning you will notice the meethi have swelled up, add the methi seeds with the water in which they were soaked  into a blender, add in the mint leaves and the fresh aloe vera leaf.  Remember to cut the thorns from the size of aloe vera leaves but do not remove the skin,  we also need to add the skin of the aloe vera into the paste.
  • Make a smooth paste out of it.
  • If you did not get a smooth paste add 1 tablespoon of yoghurt to it to give it a nice consistency.
  • Take out the  paste in a bowl,  add in the yoghurt, egg,  castor oil,  glycerine, fresh onion juice and mix it to make a smooth hair pack.
  • How to Apply 

    • Detangle your hair  and divide your hair in  sections.
    • Now with the help of a hair pack brush or with your fingers apply this thick  paste onto your scalp.
    • Cover your scalp properly with this hair pack and whatever is left you can apply it to your hair length.
    • Wrap your hair up in a bun and cover it with a shower cap so that the heat helps to open up the follicles of the hair and this hair pack penetrate into the scalp.
    • Leave it on your hair for 1 hour.
    • Wash off with any paraben and sulfate free shampoo. CPA
Benefits of  Yoghurt:

Yoghurt has been used  as a hair care ingredients since ancient times. It is a multi-vitamin rich food which contains high levels of  lactic acid which is very beneficial for treating dull and damaged  hair. Yoghurt also has antifungal properties that can help fight dandruff.  Yoghurt is an effective home remedy to add shine to your dull and damaged mane.  Using yoghurt on your scalp can also help to reduce hair fall and hair loss. Yoghurt is responsible for  healthy and silky hair.  For anyone  who is trying to optimize their diet to promote the best possible conditions for hair growth it is important to remember that hair is made up of protein and therefore using protein rich foods  can boost up hair growth. Yoghurt is an example of a protein rich food which can be used  for treating hair loss. Yoghurt is perfect tonic for improving the quality of the hair. Yoghurt is rich in Vitamin B 5 and proteins that are beneficial for the hair. The protein content in yoghurt helps to moisturize your hair and get rid of dandruff.  Yoghurt is an excellent conditioner for the scalp.  It deeply moisturizers the scalp makes the hair glossy and shiny. It is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants which are highly beneficial for treating hair loss .
  • Glycerine
    Glycerin absorbs water from the surroundings and this is what makes it an excellent ingredient for hair care.It acts as a natural humectant for the hair. Glycerin conditions the hair thus reducing breakage and dry and brittle hair. Glycerin eradicates itchy scalp and makes the scalp healthy. Glycerine improve the overall health of the hair,  because it attracts moisture, it is well known for his ability to smoothen and soften the hair. It pulls moisture back into the hair  cuticles  and locks it in, thus preventing hair from becoming dry and breaking off. Glycerine also acts as an excellent deep conditioner for those with dry,  thick and rough hair. But it should always be used in moderation because using it in excess  will make your hair oily and greasy.  Glycerine also promotes healthy hair growth.

  • Castor Oil:

  • Castor oil is a bit thick in consistency so you need to mix it in another oil or into a hair pack to make it easy to apply. I have used castor oil in many hair care remedies and it is such a wonder oil which helps to make the hair thick and also control the hair fall. Castor Oil has a lot of natural antibacterial and antifungal properties and is also rich in Vitamin E, minerals, protein, Omega 6 and 9 beneficial fatty acids.  It is unusually high in Ricinoleic acid makes it very beneficial for hair. Castor oil can be used on the scalp to prevent hair loss and its antibacterial and antifungal properties make it beneficial for treating dandruff and scalp infections. Its Ricinoleic Acid content help increase blood circulation to the scalp and improves hair growth. Ricinoleic Acid is also said to help balance scalp’s PH which can also help replenish the scalp’s natural oil and some of the damage of chemical hair products. The antioxidants in Castor oil also supports Keratin in the hair and help make the hair stronger, smoother and less frizzy. It is one of the most effective home remedies for dry scalp, hair thinning, split ends and hair loss. Being rich in proteins, minerals and Vitamin E Castor Oil works as a magic potion for your hair.
    • Fenugreek Seeds:
    Methi or Fenugreek seeds are a natural solution to dandruff. It is also effective in controlling hair fall and strengthening the hair roots. It contains nicotinic acid as well as proteins that aid in hair growth. Lecithin present in methi seeds impart shine to your hair and also helps your hair to retain its natural color.

  • Aloe Vera:

  • Aloe Vera has been known all over the globe for its unbelievable healing properties. The gel is made up of around 96% water, some organic and inorganic compounds, a type of protein which contains 18 of the 20 amino acids found in the body and lastly Vitamin A,B,C and E. Aloe Vera, the miracle pant is an ideal remedy to solve nearly all of your hair woes. You can apply this natural ingredient to cleanse, nourish and protect your hair from damage. You can also use aloe vera to get rid of dandruff, itchy scalp, dry hair and fungal infections. Aloe Vera is rich in amino acids, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Folic Acid. When used on the hair Aloe Vera provides nourishment to the hair, prevents excess oiliness of the hair, eliminates dandruff, encourages hair growth and prevents hair loss.

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  • Egg:
Since ages women have used eggs for healthy and beautiful hair. Hair is made up of proteins and amino acids. Egg contains a large amount of proteins as well as fatty acids and vitamins to strengthen the hair. They also deliver the correct nutrients so your hair can become strong and healthy. Egg is abundant in proteins and proteins help to make the hair follicle stronger and are thus less likely to breakage. Eggs acts like a hair conditioner and moisturizes dry hair. Vitamin A found in egg yolk will improve the hair’s ability to produce natural moisture by stimulating sebum production. Vitamin E present in egg helps to promote healthy hair. The fatty protein present in egg i.e.Lecithin helps to prevent brittle hair and also prevents breakage.
  • Onion Juice:
Onion juice is rich in sulphur that accelerates the production of collagen in the tissues that eventually help in the regrowth of the hair. It is one of the most effective home remedy for hair growth. Onion is very rich in sulfur-containing compounds that are responsible for its pungent odour and health-promoting properties. We must remember polyphenols are one of the largest categories of phyto nutrients in food and the highest content of it is found in onions. A wide variety of sulfides are found in onion which aids in hair growth. Methyl sulfonyl methane is a highly absorbable source of sulfur, found abundantly in onions especially in its outer layers. It facilitates the formation of keratin for hair, resulting in hair growth. It also helps a great deal in treating hair conditions of hair loss like Alopecia.

Mint Leaves:

Rich in menthol and anti-bacterial properties, mint  is a precious gift of mother nature which is bestowed upon us.  Mint leaves are laden with  menthol and anti-bacterial properties, which make it a nourishing and caring ingredient for your tress. It is moisturizing, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory.  When applied to the scalp, mint moisturizes skin and soothes irritation caused by chemical, microbial, and environmental damage. Mint also increases blood flow and stimulates follicles to grow new hair at an accelerated rate.


10 Best Surprising Benefits Of Strawberries

10 Best health Benefits Of Strawberries

The health benefits of strawberries include improved eye care, proper brain function, relief from high blood pressure, arthritis, goutand various cardiovascular diseases. The impressive polyphenolic and antioxidant content of strawberries make them good for improving the immune system, preventing against various types of cancers and for reducing the signs of premature aging.
These berries, with their tempting looks and spectacular taste, have secured their place in the list of favorite fruits of a lot of people a long time ago. Strawberries have the common scientific name of Fragaria, but there are different suffixes for different varieties, such as Fragaria Vesca for wild strawberry, and Fragaria Orientalis for Eastern Strawberries, among others. Strawberries grow in bushes and are one of the most delicious seasonal fruits that also boost your health.
Strawberries are often associated as a European fruit, and to some degree, they are. They were used back in Roman times, and were first cultivated as a garden fruit in France in the 18th Century. However, they were also present in South American cultures much earlier, but since there was also a source of strawberries in Europe, it is usually thought of as being native to that region.
Strawberries are extensively used in food, including ice creams, jams, jellies, squashes, syrups, confections, baked goods, chocolatesand even in medicines for their extraordinarily rich flavor, taste and color. They can also be consumed fresh. We know that all fruits, particularly berries and those with exotic colors, are rich in antioxidants, which means that they are huge boosters to your health and the protection of your organs from toxic attacks.

Nutritional Value Of Strawberries

Strawberries are no exception to this rule; in addition to antioxidants, they have many other nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that contribute to overall health. These include folate, potassiummanganese, dietary fiber, and magnesium. It is also extremely high in vitamin C! Together, these components are responsible for the overwhelming health benefits of strawberries. Let’s explore them in more detail in the section below.

Health Benefits Of Strawberries

Let’s explore a bit more about these potential health benefits of strawberries in the more detailed explanations below.

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Eye Care: The primary reasons for almost all problems related to the eyes are free radicals or a deficiency of certain nutrients. With increased age and a lack of these protective nutrients, the harmful oxidants or free radicals can cause heavy damage on our eyes, such as excessively dry eyes, degeneration of the optical nerves, macular degeneration, vision defects and increased susceptibility to infections as well.
Antioxidants such as flavonoids, phenolic phytochemicals, and elagic acid, all of which are present in strawberries, can help avoid these situations to a large extent. One more condition strawberries can fix is is ocular pressure, meaning the pressure within the eyes. Any disturbance in this pressure can be very harmful for the eyes. Strawberries are helpful because they contain potassium, which helps to maintain the correct pressure.
Immune System: The immune system is our body’s first line of defense against infections, microbial action, and a wide variety of other potentially damaging and dangerous conditions that can affect our body. Vitamin C is a huge booster for the immune system and has long been known as a helpful cure for common colds and coughs, along with its impact on any other infections as well. Vitamin C also stimulates the activity of white blood cells, the body’s first line of defense against toxins and foreign bodies. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, which means that it neutralizes free radicals, the harmful byproducts of cellular metabolism that are constantly created in our body. These free radicals are responsible for mutating the DNA of healthy cells into sick or cancerous cells, and are subsequently responsible for a number of diseases, including heart disease and various cancers. A single serving of strawberries has approximately 150% of your daily requirement of vitamin-C!
Arthritis and Gout: The degeneration of muscles and tissues, the drying up of the fluid which helps increase mobility of the joints, and the accumulation of toxic substances and acids (such as uric acid) in the body are some of the ill effects of free radicals. These are the primary causes of arthritis and gout, two extremely irritating and debilitating conditions.
Strawberries, with their impressive content of antioxidants and detoxifiers, can effectively help eliminate such health hazards forever. It is a famous saying in India that a serving of any fruit every day will remove the “rust” from the joints. This old adage is definitely true for strawberries, since it has very powerful anti-inflammatory abilities to ease the inflammation and associated pain from these types of conditions.
Cancer: Vitamin-C, folate, anthocyanins, quercetin and kaempferol are just a few of the many flavonoids in strawberries which possess excellent antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties. Together, they form an excellent line of defense to fight cancer and tumor growth. The daily intake of strawberries is connected to a drastic reduction in the presence and metastasis of hazardous cancer cells.
Brain Function: Unfortunately, it is very common for old people to begin losing their memory and control over certain activities, muscles, and limbs. This is due to either the natural or premature aging of their brain and nervous system. Actually, free radicals are the agents responsible for signs of aging because they have an adverse effect on both of these systems. Due to the activity of free radicals, the brain tissues start degenerating and the nerves become weaker. Luckily, strawberries can help you avoid these untimely conditions in life.
The vitamin-C and the phytochemicals in strawberries neutralize the effects of these oxidants and rejuvenate the system. Furthermore, strawberries are rich in iodine as well, which is very helpful for regulating the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system. Potassium, which is found in significant quantities in strawberries, also has been linked to improved cognitive function by increasing the blood flow to the brain. Research studies on students have shown that when potassium levels of high, concentration, memory, and recall abilities seem to be strengthened in test-taking. There is a good reason why bananas and strawberries are considered “brain food”!

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High Blood Pressure: Strawberries are rich in potassium and magnesium content, both of which are effective in lowering high blood pressure caused by sodium and various other risk factors. Potassium is a vasodilator, meaning that it reduces hypertension and the rigidity of arteries and blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure, easing the flow of blood to various parts of the body, thereby oxygenating them and keeping them functioning at their full potential.

Heart Disease: High fiber content, folate, no fats, and high levels of antioxidants such as vitamin-C and those phytochemicals form an ideal cardiac health pack, as they effectively reduce cholesterol in the arteries and vessels. Some members of the vitamin-B family present in strawberries also strengthen the cardiac muscles and lead to better functioning of the heart.
Weight Loss: Strawberry promotes weight loss due to the presence of  various nutrients that help to stimulate metabolism and reduce appetite.
Birth Defects: Folic acid is a necessary nutrient especially during pregnancy. Strawberries are a good source of folic acid and help in preventing birth defects. 
Reduces Inflammation: Strawberries rich in antioxidant properties and help to reduce inflammation.
Perhaps most importantly, strawberries and all of the associated foods that contain strawberries are delicious as well. Next time you are looking for something sweet, bite into some juicy strawberries and enjoy the benefits they have in store for you!

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