6 reasons why eating cherries is scientifically good for you

Not only are they delicious to eat, it turns out that there are plenty of health benefits to snacking on a handful of cherries.
Berries are quickly gaining a reputation as a health cure-all, but we often overlook these little red wonders because of their associations with rich desserts and sweet cocktail garnishes.
Luckily for us, cherries are currently in season in Europe - so there’s no better time to pick up a punnet on your lunch break.
Here are 6 incredible and surprising rewards that come hand-in-hand with this amazing superfruit.

They can reduce blood pressure

A published this week found that drinking cherry juice is as good as taking drugs at reducing blood pressure. People who drank 60ml of cherry concentrate, diluted with water, saw their blood pressure drop by 7 per cent within three hours, according to scientists at Northumbria University. This was enough to slash the risk of a stroke by 38 per cent or heart disease by 23 per cent.

They can reduce inflammation

Tart cherries contain two powerful compounds, anthocyanins and bioflavonoids. A recent study in the found that cherry consumption reduces several biomarkers associated with chronic inflammatory diseases. According to scientists, cherry juice can also ease joint inflammation for people who suffer from arthritis and gout.

They're a good source of vitamin C and fibre

150g of cherries contains a whopping 25 percent of your daily recommended amount of vitamin C and over two grams of fibre.

They can improve brain function

Want to keep your brain in top top shape? Eat cherries - have shown that cherries can even reduce symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's disease.

They’re a great post-workout snack

Cherries can reduce muscle damage and the painful, stiff feeling the day after an intense workout. This is because they are chock full of anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that contain anti-inflammatory properties.

They can help you to sleep

Cherries are a natural source of melatonin, a hormone that helps control sleep. A study published in the found that, specifically, tart cherry juice can improve sleep in adults affected by insomnia.
A handful of fresh cherries in the summertime are a natural gourmet delight, but if you want to harness the antioxidant power of cherries on a regular basis, then cherry juice concentrate is a good option that can add a super-nutritious, all-natural kick to your morning smoothie.

Amazing Health Benifits Of "KULFA" Leaf ( purslane )

Purslane is found growing as weed in waste lands. It is distributed throughout the warmer parts of World and known by many common names such as Pigweed, Kulfa, Pourpier, Rigla etc. It is a succulent spongy plant and contains gum like substance. It is one of the oldest leafy vegetable which is used in India, Japan, Africa, Australia and America. It is eaten as salads and vegetables.

Purslane is also used as a medicinal plant. It has been used as folk medicine from ancient times. WHO (World Health Organization) has included it in list of most widely used medicinal plant.

This plant is antibacterial, antiscorbutic (prevents or cures scurvy), depurative (purifying; purgative), and febrifuge (reduces fever). The diuretic (increase the discharge of urine) action of plant is due to presence of high percentage of potassium salts.

Nutrition of Purslane

Nutritionally, Purslane contains more omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid in particular) than any other leafy vegetable plant. It also contains vitamins (mainly vitamin A, vitamin C, and some vitamin B and carotenoids), dietary minerals (magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iron).

It also contains two types of betalain alkaloid pigments, Reddish betacyanins (visible in the coloration of the stems) and the yellow betaxanthins (noticeable in the flowers and in the slight yellowish cast of the leaves). Both are potent antioxidants and have been found to have antimutagenic properties in laboratory studies.

Medicinal Uses and Benefits of Purslane

  1. Leaves and plant juice is particularly effective in the treatment of skin diseases and insect stings.
  2. Leaves tea is used in the treatment of stomach aches and headaches.
  3. Whole plant is used for Iron deficiency and skin allergy.
  4. It has significant liver protective and regenerative activities and can be used as in treatment of liver disorders like liver, dysfunction, viral hepatitis, and alcoholic liver disorders.
  5. Seeds powder is tonic and expels intestinal worms.
  6. Bruised leaves are used topically for erysipelas, burns and swellings.
  7. Poultice of leaves is applied to burns.
  8. Rich source of pre-vitamin A, and vitamins C and E, as well as omega-3-fatty acids.
  9. Also: Good substitute for okra as a thickener in soups.
  10. Seed’s powder can be mixed with cereals for use in gruels, bread, pancakes.

Dosage of Purslane

Recommend dose of fresh juice of whole plant 1ml-20ml for oral administration.
For topical application, larger amounts can be grounded into a paste to apply to the skin.


This plant contains oxalate (910–1679 mg/100g fresh weight).
Eating large amount of raw green Purslane is harmful.

হাড়ের ক্ষয়রোগ – Osteoporosis থেকে বাঁচবেন যেভাবে

হাড়ের ভেতরের ঘনত্ব বাড়া-কমা একটি চলমান প্রক্রিয়া। ১৬-১৮ বছর বয়সের দিকে হাড়ের দৈর্ঘ্য বৃদ্ধি হওয়া বন্ধ হয়ে যায়, কিন্তু ২০ বছর বয়স পর্যন্ত হাড়ের ভেতরের ঘনত্ব ধীরে ধীরে বাড়তে থাকে। ৩৫ বছর বয়স পর্যন্ত হাড়ের গঠন ও ক্ষয় একসঙ্গে একই গতিতে চলতে থাকে। ৪০ বছর বয়সের পর থেকে প্রাকৃতিক নিয়মে বয়স বাড়ার সঙ্গে সঙ্গে হাড় ক্ষয়ের মাত্রা একটু একটু করে বাড়তে থাকে। হাড়ের এই ক্ষয় বাড়তে বাড়তে হাড় যখন নরম ও ভঙ্গুর হয়ে যায় সেই অবস্থাকে অস্টিওপোরোসিস বলা হয়।

হাড়ের ক্ষয়রোগ – Osteoporosis থেকে বাঁচবেন যেভাবে

অস্টিওপোরোসিসের ঝুঁকি কাদের বেশি
  1. মেনোপজ বা ঋতুস্রাব বন্ধ পরবর্তী মহিলারা
  2. এশীয় বা ককেশিয়ানরা
  3. যাদের পরিবারের কারও অস্টিওপোরোসিস আছে
  4. যারা পর্যাপ্ত পরিমাণ ক্যালসিয়াম ও ভিটামিন ডি গ্রহণ করেন না
  5. যারা ব্যায়াম করেন না
  6. যাদের ওজন কম
  7. ধূমপায়ী ও এলকোহল পানকারীরা
কিছু অসুখ অস্টিওপোরোসিসের ঝুঁকি বাড়িয়ে দেয়
  • রিউমাটয়েড আরথ্রাইটিস
  • যাদের শরীরে ইস্ট্রোজেন হরমোনের মাত্রা কম
  • যাদের শরীরে টেস্টোস্টেরন হরমোনের মাত্রা কম
  • যাদের শরীরে থাইরয়েড হরমোনের মাত্রা অস্বাভাবিকভাবে বেশি
  • যাদের শরীরে প্যারাথাইরয়েড হরমোনের মাত্রা অস্বাভাবিকভাবে বেশি
  • যেসব রোগে খাবারের শোষণ ব্যাহত হয়। যেমন- coeliac disease অথবা crohon’s disease
  • যেসব রোগে অনেকদিন শুয়ে থাকতে হয়। যেমন- ব্রেন স্ট্রোক
  • এইচআইভি
  • স্তন ক্যান্সার

কিছু ওষুধ অস্টিওপোরোসিসের ঝুঁকি বাড়িয়ে দেয়

* তিন মাসের অধিক সময় ধরে কটিকস্টেরয়েড ট্যাবলেট খেলে
* খিঁচুনিরোধী ওষুধ খেলে
* স্তন ক্যান্সার চিকিৎসায় ব্যবহৃত ওষুধ
* প্রস্টেট ক্যান্সার চিকিৎসায় ব্যবহৃত ওষুধ ইত্যাদি।
অস্টিওপোরোসিস কীভাবে প্রতিরোধ করবেন
* সুষম খাদ্যাভ্যাস অনুসরণ করা
* ক্যালসিয়াম সমৃদ্ধ খাবার গ্রহণ
* ভিটামিন-ডি সমৃদ্ধ খাবার গ্রহণ
* নিয়মিত শরীর চর্চা ও ব্যায়াম করুন
* ধূমপান ও মদ্যপান ত্যাগ করুন
* পতন রোধ করুন

অস্টিওপোরোসিস এর চিকিৎসা

অস্টিওপোরোসিসের চিকিৎসায় যেসব ওষুধ ব্যবহার হয়, তার মধ্য উল্লেখযোগ্য-
* এল্যেন্ড্রনেট সোডিয়াম
* রিসড্রনেট সোডিয়াম
* ইবান্ড্রনিক এসিড
* সিলেক্টিভ ইস্ট্রজেন রিসেপ্টর মডুলেটর
* প্যারাথাইরয়েড হরমোন চিকিৎসা
* ক্যালসিয়াম ও ভিটামিন ডি সাপ্লিমেন্ট
* হরমোন রিপ্লাসেমেন্ট থেরাপি ইত্যাদি

LED Street Lights Could Be Harmful to Your Health

LED street lights are so hazardous to people’s health that the American Medical Association (AMA) has adopted an official policy about them.
Adopted unanimously at the AMA’s annual meeting in Chicago on June 14, 2016, the policy comes in response to the growing number of LED street lights in the country. An association committee issued guidelines on how communities can choose LED streetlights “to minimize potential harmful human health and environmental effects.”
Long-lasting LED lights are quickly replacing existing streetlights because they save municipalities money on energy and maintenance. But the AMA’s stance reflects the importance of properly designing new technologies and the tight link between light and human health.

In the statement, the AMA recommends that outdoor lighting at night, especially street lights, should have a color temperature (CT) no greater than 3,000 Kelvin (K). A light’s CT is a measure of the spectral content of light from a source – how much blue, green, yellow, and red there is in it. A higher CT rating usually means a light contains more blue content, which makes the light appear whiter. [1]
Bright LED street lights have been shown to make people feel safer. They also make it easier for police to distinguish the colors of the cars they are chasing. [2]

This Lights Comes with Risk

But blue light has a dark side. Research suggests that blue light can prevent people from sleeping, or make them sleep poorly, because it throws off the body’s circadian rhythm. This is one of the problems the AMA sites in its statement.
In addition to street lights, blue light also emanates from cell phones, computers, tablets, and other electronic devices. This is why so many doctors and health experts recommend never using these gadgets at bedtime.
According to researchers at Harvard, blue light is useful during the day because it boosts attention, reaction times, and mood. But blue light also suppresses the secretion of melatonin, a hormone secreted by the brain that makes people feel sleepy at night.
Melatonin boosts the immune system, and is known to have anti-aging properties, as well.
Green light also suppresses the secretion of melatonin, but blue light suppresses it for about twice as long and was shown in studies to shift circadian rhythms by twice as much (3 hours versus 1.5 hours).
A white LED light at CT 4,000 K or 5,000 K contains a high level of short-wavelength light blue. Many cities, including Seattle and New York City, have chosen these CT-count lights to retrofit their street lighting.

The CT count of 4,000K or 5,000K in LED lights is significantly higher than the CT count of incandescent bulbs, which may have a CT of 2,400K.
But many people have started complaining about the harshness of these lights, and this is the other problem the AMA refers to in the statement. In Davis, California, for example, residents have demanded a complete replacement of the high color temperature LED street lights.
The new “white” LED lights come with bothersome glare that can cause discomfort in the eyes. The light concentration and blue light in white LED’s cause pupillary constriction in the eyes. Blue light scatters more in the eye than the longer wavelengths of yellow and red, and sufficient levels can damage the retina. 
The AMA says in the statement:
“The detrimental effects of high-intensity LED lighting are not limited to humans. Excessive outdoor lighting disrupts many species that need a dark environment. For instance, poorly designed LED lighting disorients some bird, insect, turtle and fish species, and U.S. national parks have adopted optimal lighting designs and practices that minimize the effects of light pollution on the environment….
“The AMA recommends an intensity threshold for optimal LED lighting that minimizes blue-rich light. The AMA also recommends all LED lighting should be properly shielded to minimize glare and detrimental human health and environmental effects, and consideration should be given to utilize the ability of LED lighting to be dimmed for off-peak time periods.”
 AMA board member, also says in the statement:
“Despite the energy efficiency benefits, some LED lights are harmful when used as street lighting.”

Sonam Kapoor in this latest shoot is so hot

The thing with Sonam Kapoor and her affair with fashion is that she tries constantly to outdo herself. Sometimes, those efforts fail, and most other times, they lead to wild trends. Take the fringe saree, for instance. It was Sonam Kapoor who first rocked that sublime Abu Jani-Sandeep Khosla number, and set the ball rolling for the likes of Twinkle Khanna.
There's no denying then that Sonam indeed is the harbinger of fashion in the Indian entertainment industry. Adding another beautiful feather to her hat now is this look of hers, which honestly has us at a loss for words.
Sonam Kapoor recently shot for design label Shehlaa By Shehla Khan, and the results have been nothing short of astonishing.
Wearing this ruffled, soft pink lehenga and off-shoulder choli with net sleeves, Sonam Kapoor looked absolutely ethereal, especially given the nude makeup, loose, long locks look.
Here's a sneak-peek into the behind-the-scenes of the shoot, featuring Sonam Kapoor, looking more radiant than ever:

Meet Beautifull Celebritie Daughter Alaviaa

কিডনি ভাল আছে কিনা জেনে নিতে পারবেন যে সাতটি লক্ষণ দেখে

কিডনি ভাল আছে কিনা জেনে নিতে পারবেন যে সাতটি লক্ষণ দেখে। 
কিডনি আমাদের শরীরের অন্যতম একটি ভাইটাল অরগান। মানবদেহে কোমরের দু’পাশে আছে দুটি কিডনি। নানা কারণে আমাদের কিডনি ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত  হতে পারে। এমনকি কিডনি বিকল পর্যন্ত হতে পারে। Reader’s Digest-এ প্রকাশিত এক নিবন্ধে বলা হয় অন্তত ৭টি নীরব উপসর্গ দেখে বলা যায়, কিডনি কতটা অসুস্থ।
এক: শরীরের ত্বকে র‌্যাশ বা দানা উঠা ও তীব্র চুলকানো বা ইচিং হওয়া। সাধারণত কিডনির সমস্যাজনিত ত্বকের র‌্যাশ হলে চিকিৎসায় এ ধরনের সমস্যার খুব কমই লাঘব হয়।

দুই: কিডনি সমস্যা কারণে রক্ত সংবহনতন্ত্রে এক ধরনের Toxin বা ক্ষতিকর উপাদান তৈরি হয়। যার ফলশ্রুতিতে মুখের টেস্ট হ্রাসপায় এবং মেটালিক টেস্ট ও মুখের তীব্র গন্ধ অনুভূত হয়। অর্থাৎ যাকে বলা হয় ব্যাড ব্রেথ। অনেকে বলেন, খাবার আহার করলেই এক ধরনের মেটালিক গন্ধ অনুভূত হয়।

তিন: প্রায়শই বমি অথবা বমি বমি ভাব অনুভূত হয়। ক্ষুধা বা আহারের ইচ্ছে হ্রাস পায় এমনকি দ্রুত ওজন হ্রাস পেতে থাকে।
চার: সময় অসময় প্রস্রাবের প্রয়োজনীয়তা দেখা দেয়। অনেকের আবার প্রস্রাব করতে ইচ্ছে করে অথচ ইউরিনেশন হয় না। আবার অনেকের ইউরিনেশনের পরিমাণ বেশি হয়। আবার অনেকের ডায়াবেটিস না থাকা সত্ত্বেও রাতে উঠতে হয় ইউরিনেশনের জন্য। 
পাঁচ: শুধু প্রস্রাবের তীব্রতা কম বেশি নয়, অনেক ক্ষেত্রে প্রস্রাবের সঙ্গে ব্লাড যাওয়া, প্রস্রাবের রং ডার্কার অথবা লাইটার হওয়া অথবা ফোমি ইউরিন হওয়া। অর্থাৎ প্রস্রাবের পর মনে হয় ফেনা তৈরি হয়েছে।
ছয়: কিডনির আর একটি কাজ হচ্ছে শরীর থেকে অতিরিক্ত জলীয় উপাদান বা ফ্লুইড বের করে দেয়া। কিন্তু কিডনি ফাংশন যথাযথ না থাকলে শরীর থেকে অপ্রয়োজনীয় ফ্লুইড বের হয় না। ফলে এসব ফ্লুইড হাঁটু, পা, পায়ের পাতা, মুখ ও হাতে জমা হয়। যাকে আমরা বলি হাত, পা, মুখ ফুলে যাওয়া।
সাত: কিডনি যদি স্বাভাবিক না থাকে তবে আক্রান্ত ব্যক্তির Anemia বা রক্তশূন্যতা দেখা দিতে পারে। ফলে শরীর হয়ে উঠে দুর্বল ও অলস। এছাড়া বারবার ঠাণ্ডা লাগা।

করল্লার পুষ্টিগুণ জেনে নিন

করল্লার পুষ্টিগুণ জেনে নিন। করলা গাছের বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম Momordica charantia যা Cucurbitaceae পরিবারভুক্ত এক প্রকার লতা জাতীয় উদ্ভিদ। করলা তেতো স্বাদযুক্ত এবং এর শরীর কাঁটার মত ওয়ার্টে ভরা।
করল্লা জন্মায় ট্রপিক্যাল দেশগুলিতে। যেমন- এশিয়া, পূর্ব আফ্রিকা, ক্যারিবীয় দ্বীপপূঞ্জ, দক্ষিণ আমেরিকা। করল্লা স্বাদে তিতা, তবে উপকারী অ-নে-ক। এশিয়া অঞ্চলে হাজার বছর ধরে এটি ওষুধ হিসাবে ব্যবহার হয়ে আসছে। দক্ষিণ আমেরিকার আদিবাসীরা করল্লাকে ডায়াবেটিস, পেটের গ্যাস, হাম ও হেপাটাইটিসের ওষুধ হিসাবে ব্যবহার করে আসছে।

ব্যবহার করে আসছে উচ্চ রক্তচাপ কমাতে, ম্যালেরিয়া জ্বরে এবং মাথা ব্যথায়ও। করল্লায় আছে পালং শাকের চেয়ে দ্বিগুণ ক্যালশিয়াম আর কলার চেয়ে দ্বিগুণ পটাশিয়াম। আছে যথেষ্ট লৌহ, প্রচুর ভিটামিন এ, ভিটামিন সি এবং আঁশ। ভিটামিন এ এবং ভিটামিন সি এন্টি অক্সিডেন্ট; বার্ধক্য ঠেকিয়ে রাখে, শরীরের কোষগুলোকে রক্ষা করে। করল্লা অন্ত্রনালী কর্তৃক গ্লুকোজ শোষণ কমায়। রক্তের সুগার কমাতে করল্লা ওষুধের চেয়েও বেশি কার্যকর।
অনেক গবেষণাই করল্লাকে ডায়াবেটিস চিকিত্সায় কার্যকর প্রমাণ করেছে। ফিলিপাইনে ডায়াবেটিস চিকিত্সায় ভেষজ ওষুধ হিসাবে করল্লা অনুমোদিত। করল্লায় কমপক্ষে তিনটি উপাদান আছে যেগুলো রক্তের সুগার কমিয়ে ডায়াবেটিসে উপকার করে। এগুলো হচ্ছে চ্যারান্টিন, ইনসুলিনের মত পেপটাইড এবং এলকালয়েড।
তিতা করল্লা অগ্নাশয়ের ইনসুলিন নিঃসরণকারী কোষ ‘বিটা সেল’- এর সংখ্যা বৃদ্ধি করে। তাই করল্লা অগ্নাশয় থেকে ইনসুলিন নিঃসরণ করায় বলে ধারণা করা হয়। করল্লা ইনসুলিন রেজিস্টেন্স কমায়। করলা এডিনোসিন মনোফসফেট অ্যাকটিভেটেড প্রোটিন কাইনেজ নামক এনজাইম বা আমিষ বৃদ্ধি করে রক্ত থেকে শরীরের কোষগুলোর সুগার গ্রহণ করার ক্ষমতা বাড়িয়ে দেয়। শরীরের কোষের ভিতর গ্লুকোজের বিপাক ক্রিয়াও বাড়িয়ে দেয়। ফলে রক্তের সুগার কমে যায়।

করল্লা যেসব উপকার করে

– রক্তের চর্বি তথা ট্রাইগ্লিসারাইড কমায় কিন্তু ভাল কলোস্টেরল এইচ.ডি.এল বাড়ায়, রক্তচাপ কমায়, ক্রিমিনাশক, ভাইরাস নাশক-হেপাটাইটিস এ, হারপিস ভাইরাস, ফ্লু, ইত্যাদির বিরুদ্ধে কার্যকর। এছাড়াও ক্যান্সাররোধী-লিভার ক্যান্সার, লিউকোমিয়া, মেলানোমা, ইত্যাদি প্রতিরোধ করে।
– ল্যাক্সেটিভ (Laxative)- পায়খানাকে নরম রাখে, কোষ্ঠ কাঠিন্য দূর করে, জীবাণুনাশী-বিশেষ করে ই-কোলাই নামক জীবাণুর বিরুদ্ধে কার্য়কর ভূমিকা রাখে।

These Two Habits Make You Look Older, According to Science

Drinking heavily and smoking for years are well-known features of an unhealthy lifestyle. They can also make you look older, according to a new study.

In the new research, published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, a group of Danish researchers took advantage of a large database of health information involving more than 11,000 Danes in the Copenhagen City Heart Study. The people in the study were followed from 1976 to 2003 and provided information about their eating, smoking and drinking habits. They also agreed to several medical exams to measure signs of heart disease and aging. Tolstrup specifically looked at four hallmarks of aging, including the formation of a grey opaque ring around the cornea in the eye, earlobe creases, plaques on the eyelids and male pattern baldness.

These symptoms aren’t all superficial: Premature aging can be a sign of poor health and contribute to a higher risk of chronic diseases like heart problems.
“We wanted to study the signs of aging because they seem to have some kind of predictive value for how long your life is going to be on average,” says Janne Tolstrup, the study’s senior author and research director of the National Institute of Public Health at the University of Southern Denmark.

She found that excessive drinking — more than 28 drinks a week for women — was linked to a 33% higher likelihood of having the age-related grey rings around the cornea compared to women who drank fewer than seven drinks a week. Men had a similar increased risk. The risk of earlobe creases indicating aging was similarly 26%-36% higher among heavy drinkers than among light-to-moderate drinkers.
Heavy smokers also had a greater likelihood of developing the age-related eye rings compared to non-smokers.

The only aging indicator that was not clearly associated with drinking and smoking was male pattern baldness. Tolstrup says that isn’t a surprise, since hair growth is strongly genetic.
“What is interesting about the results is that we can see those signs with the eye, for example, very fast, whereas for things like high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels, we have to make advanced measurements to obtain them,” she says.

While it wasn’t surprising that heavy drinking and smoking were linked to higher likelihood of early signs of aging, she also found that people who drank and smoked at moderate levels did not show any more signs of aging than people who abstained. Some previous studies have suggested that alcohol might be beneficial for the heart and to lower risk of certain diseases, but Tolstrup says her findings should add to that debate over how much is healthy and where the threshold lies for excessive, unhealthy amounts of alcohol.

The results shouldn’t be interpreted to mean that people can start drinking and smoking at moderate levels, says Tolstrup. Other data show that any smoking can be harmful to health, and the studies on alcohol’s effect are still being debated. Still, Tolstrup’s results do not contradict general advice that light moderate drinking doesn’t hurt. People shouldn’t expect huge health benefits from imbibing, but at least it doesn’t seem to harm their health — or their appearance — in a significant way.

11 Signs It's Skin Cancer

Fact: Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. Fact #2: Most people don't know how to apply SPF properly. Also a fact (and a bummer): Deadly skin cancers will continue to increase over the next 15 years. Basically, the sun + your skin = a really bad combination if you're not careful.

Now that we've thoroughly horrified you - sorry, not sorry - how about some cheering up? The good news is that the earlier you catch and treat it, the more likely your dermatologist can cure cancer - about 90 percent of the time, says Yale dermatologist, Mona Gohara, M.D. Small win! But before you roll your eyes and protest that you never use tanning beds or spend *that* much time outside, over-exposure to UV rays isn't the only factor you need to consider.
Here's a sampling of things that you'd be surprised increase your cancer risk:
  • Having a family member with a history of skin cancer increases your odds.
  • Fair skin - especially if you have blond or red hair.
  • Getting many X-ray treatments (this can take many years before it poses a significant risk, but the more you know...).
  • Having an immune-weakening disease such as Lymphoma and HIV.
  • Bad burns or scars that have been exposed to UV rays.
  • Smoking cigarettes. (Why are we not surprised?)
So, now you know what can cause this fatal disease, how do you spot it? First, we need to break skin cancer into its three basic types: basal cell carcinoma (BCC), melanoma, and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).
BCC is the most common form of skin cancer and is often located in areas frequently exposed to sunlight (neck, face, hands, arms). Melanoma primarily refers to moles and it's the deadliest form of skin cancer. SCC is similar to BCC except it also includes cancer found specifically inside the mouth, on the lips, and around a person's genitals; it also usually stems from pre-existing conditions (like diseases or genetics). (*Pauses for you to absorb all that.*) We good?
A lot of their symptoms overlap - which doesn't *really* matter because despite which category you fall under, it's still skin cancer. We tapped into Gohara's expertise to find out which "little" signs could potentially mean big trouble down the road if untested: 

1. Unevenly sized moles.

If you cut it in half, do both sides match up? Asymmetrical moles aren't good.

2. Moles with jagged or irregular edges.

Normal ones are typically smooth.

3. Moles that become darker or just change color.

4. Moles that grow in size.

Anything bigger than, say, the size of a pencil eraser needs to be checked out.

5. Moles that bleed or hurt.

6. Pimples that won't go away on sun-exposed skin.

Zits appear and disappear all the time, but if a translucent, pimple-like bump doesn't go away after a month or so, it's most likely not a pimple.

7. Bruises on your feet that won't heal.

8. Exposure to HPV.

This one took us by surprise. Genitals - that normally don't see daylight unless, you know, you're chilling at a nude beach - with the virus can also develop squamous cells and lead to skin cancer.

9. A "non-healing sore."

This often refers to problems in the mouth (caused by smoking). Oral skin cancer falls under the SCC column, so please, DON'T PUFF THE TOBACCO.

10. Brown or black streaks under your fingernails.

These can also appear on your toes.

11. Crusty, scaly skin.

But there's a big difference between skin cancer and unrelated conditions like dry skin, psoriasis, or eczema even though these can all appear similar. Usually, areas affected by skin cancer are tender and won't respond to topical creams that most other ailments react to.
While these symptoms don't always 100 percent signify that you have skin cancer, you should schedule an appointment with a dermatologist juuuust to be sure. 

10 Health Benefits Of Black Cumin ( Kalo Jeera )

You may or may not have heard of Black seed before. It goes by many names, including black caraway, Roman coriander, and black cumin, to name a few. But no matter what you call it, these seeds are loaded with health benefits that we are only beginning to understand. From eliminating harmful bacteria to regenerating the body’s cells and tissues, here are 10 awesome  health benefits of black cumin.

Health Benefits Of Black Seed

  • 1. Type 2 diabetes – Researchers found that just two grams daily of black seed could result in reduced fasting blood sugar levels, along with decreased insulin resistance, and increased beta-cell function in the pancreas.
  • 2. Epilepsy –  Published in Medical Science Monitorone study found black seed to be effective at reducing the frequency of seizures in children who resisted conventional treatment. Black seed indeed has anti-convulsive properties.
  • 3. Colon Cancer – In cell studies, black seed has been found to have anti-cancer properties, inhibiting the growth of colon cancer cells specifically. In one animal study, the seed was able to fight colon cancer in rats successfully with no observable side effects. The same obviously can’t be said for conventional cancer treatments.
  • 4. MRSA – The deadly and antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection known commonly as MRSA responded favorably to treatment with black seed in this study from the University of Health Sciences in Lahore, Pakistan.
  • 5. Protection Against Heart Attack Damage – An extract from black seed has been shown to possess heart-protective qualities, dampening damages associated with heart attacks and boosting overall heart health.

  • 6. Breast Cancer – A few studies have linked a thymoquinone extract from nigella sativa to reduced breast cancer tumor growth and increased apoptosis (cell death) in breast cancer cells.
  • 7. Brain Cancer – A study published in the online journal PLoS One indicates thymoquinone from black seed can induce cell death in glioblastoma cells. Glioblastoma is one of the most aggressive brain tumors of all.
  • 8. Leukemia – As it’s been shown to do with other types of cancer, black seed compound thymoquinone has also been shown to induce apoptosis in leukemia cells.
  • 10. Oral Cancer – Research indicates thymoquinone from nigella sativa is able to induce cell apoptosis in oral cancer cells.
These ten benefits of nigella sativa are truly only the tip of the iceberg. Mounting evidence indicates this seed is a powerful healer.

26/11 Mumbai terror attacks: india remembers the deadly 26/11 attacks...

The Mumbai Police has organised a Salutation Ceremony to pay homage to the people killed in the November 26 attacks.

9 years on as Mumbai remembers the deadly 26/11 attacks, Hafiz Saeed one of the masterminds of the attack has been granted freedom by the Pakistan government.
On November 26, 2008, ten terrorists entered Mumbai with weapons and plans to carry attacks in key places in the city. The series of attacks lasted over 4 days, killing around 164 people and injuring 305. Throughout the attacks, the focus was Hotel Taj. The terrorists also attacked Mumbai's Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus 'CST' railway station.
Image result for 26 11 attack
President Ramnath Kovind tweeted on the 9th anniversary of the attacks that shook the entire nation.
On the ninth anniversary of the Mumbai terror attacks, we mourn with the families that lost their dear ones. And we recall with gratitude the security personnel who gave their lives in the battle against evil - President Kovind wrote.
President of India
On the ninth anniversary of the Mumbai terror attacks, we mourn with the families that lost their dear ones. And we recall with gratitude the security personnel who gave their lives in the battle against evil #PresidentKovind
President of India
On this day, we renew our resolve to take on, defeat and eliminate terrorism in all forms — and to make our people, our country and our world safer #PresidentKovind
Meanwhile, Israel has also expressed "deep condolences and solidarity with the people of India on the anniversary of the harrowing terror attack" in a statement.
Israeli Ambassador to India Daniel Carmon said in the statement: "Together with India, the people of Israel mourn the victims from countries all over the globe including Israel, embrace their loved ones and the survivors. India and Israel, along with nations of the world, must do everything in their power to eradicate extremism and terrorism for a better future."
The Mumbai Police has organised a Salutation Ceremony to pay homage to the people killed in the November 26 attacks. The ceremony is set to take place at the Shahid Smarak at Police Gymkhana at Marine Lines at 9 AM today.
Maharashtra Governor Ch Vidyasagar Rao, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, DGP Satish Mathur, city police commissioner Datta Padsalgikar, ministers, senior bureaucrats, police officials and family members of martyrs would pay homage to those who were killed in the attack.
"My daughter was just 9 years old when she got shot, it was traumatic. Yes we are happy that Kasab was hanged but we will not be satisfied till the real mastermind sitting in Pakistan is punished", said the father of 26/11 attacks survivor Devika while talking to news agency ANI.
The terror attacks left many people with nightmares that will haunt them forever. While most of them have moved on with their lives the memories of the day haunt them.
Hundreds of people will pay tribute to the martyrs of 26/11 at key places in Mumbai that were attacked by terrorists. The places include Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, Taj Hotel at the Gateway of India, Cafe Leopold, Rang Bhavan Lane near Cama Hospital and St Xavier's College.

17 BSF Jawans who set out for Mumbai on November 14 for the 'Martr's ride' are also expected to reach Mumbai today.